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Building Confidence

One of the most common questions I get asked about professional credential classes, is ‘why should I invest the time and expense to earn a professional credential, is there really any value?’  What is the WIIFM (What’s in it for me)?  From my perspective of having helped nearly 500 FM students successfully earn their professional designation, I can easily say that the value of professional development and earning your credential is all about building confidence.

Jackie was in one of my first facility management credential classes, 8-9 years ago. In her career as an administrator for an organization working in a leased space, her responsibilities varied included both facility coordination and office activities.  But Jackie wanted more. Nervous, she enrolled in a facility management credential class, sat in the front, read the material, studied, and took the quizzes - but she struggled to pass the tests. It had been a long time since she took a test. There were some tears and worry since her company would only reimburse her course fees if she passed the tests and earned her credential.

With guidance and coaching on test taking strategies and plenty of her own perseverance, Jackie did earn her credential. There were more tears, now of joy and accomplishment. A couple of months later, Jackie let me know she received a promotion and a job title change to a full facility coordinator position and her old position would now be reporting to her.

Was it the actual credential, the letters after her name, that earned her this new position? I cannot know for certain. But I am 100% sure that she walked back into her office with greater confidence in the skills she already had. And she was now equipped with a brand-new set of tools and knowledge to add to her arsenal. We underestimate how powerful knowledge can be and how it can help us grow. A couple of weeks ago, Jackie informed me that she is set to retire the end of this year. I am honored to have been a part of her professional journey.

Confidence and knowledge are a powerful duo. Empower yourself with learning and see how far you can go!

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